I grew up in northern Germany, in the district of Vechta, a strict catholic and conservative region, but yet my hometown. In 1987, I completed my apprenticeship as car mechanic at Mercedes. In that wonderful summer, I knew for sure: I no longer wanted dealing with cars - I have to do something different! And why not? At that time, the world seemed alright for me - there were clear structures: the young generation were either punks (waver), „Popper“, greenies or the normal-minded one. I belonged to the first category! I’ve always been an outsider anyway.. For me, somehow everything never really minded but at the same time, everything seemed possible. Thus, I spontaneously bought three 2CVs for DM 300 and then (for that one it took a little bit longer), I completed three further apprenticeships. One thing was pretty certain for me that time: I did not know what I really wanted but I surely knew what I didn’t want! From the three 2CVs, I only get one (more or less) working and I had experienced so much with it:I simply enjoyed life in it. Growing up in a village, I was able to break out of the confines with my 2CV, enjoy freedom, escape the stale life. So, I spent the nights drinking beer at the lake, smoked my first joint in it - of course with the roof opened, kissed my first „dream girl“ and so on, attended my first open-air concert, and more and more adventures. Later, after the educational but not really enjoyable apprenticeship, I read a great, probably not very serious report in the newspaper: According to the statistic, 1 cigarette shortens life by 2 minutes, 1 glass of brandy by 4 minutes, whereas a job which we do not really enjoy, shortens life by 8,5 hours a day. So, my girlfriend at that time ( actually my wife for a long time) and I thought that we can take the risk what concerns position 1 and 2. However, regarding position 3, something has to change. That’s how it came about. From the very modest beginnings in a flat-sharing accommodation on a farm, with many deprivations (we had to hold back a lot on position 1 & 2 in order to still have money left over for food), a considerable company has grown up since 1993. And we, my wife and I, can honestly say that the „work“ has not shortened our lives, but enriched them extremely. We will not go into the numerous steps in between from 1993 until today. But one thing is sure: we are still the outsiders, who we used to be, hence considerably older, a few grey hair, more appropriate and wiser - at least according to us! And mavericks prefer dealing with mavericks and other „crazy“ people. And today, we are a colorful bunch of over 30 people, arranging sending car parts worldwide (which I never expected and actually didn’t want). But well, it works fantastically! Well , I still restore my French 2CVs, DS, Renault and Peugeot with greatest delight. I try various reproductions and drive in the bright season daily in my little „treasures“, especially in the 2CV.. That’s just a sentimental thing, you know!

Ey come on, you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t also a bit crazy, right? Also had beers or wines or any other weird drinks in your very first car..cuddling with the first boyfriend or girlfriend …Didn’t you love the first car as it gave you the feeling of freedom, which you were longing for? Don’t you also feel nostalgic while seeing that „very first car“ on the road again? And perhaps, you have now recaptured your youth with your old French car: this driving piece of your own life story with a particular stylishness. Perhaps, according to today’s criteria, it may not be pretty, but charming, pragmatic, with which you are always „well-dressed“. Today, we have the spare parts for that „charming lady“! More than 1 million parts can be found in our warehouse. And our wonderful crazy team is happy to assist you, via e-mail, phone or even in person.
I’d like to introduce you to some of the eccentrics here:
There is the other
Ansgar, to whom you
can call out by
passing by:> „Ansgar,
give me the color
code for the bumpers
of a 1957s 2CV!“
And he will give
you the code straight
away, just like that!
An extensive technical
knowledge meets a childish
obsession with DIY. He
developed the regulated
catalyst for the 2CV and the
R4. He explored the fuel
injection systems and slams on
the brakes when an old tractor
peeked out of a barn.
Frédéric, the first authentic frenchman
here. He is a graduated french
-german synchronic translator and has
worked for the EU in Brussels.
But somehow, yes somehow, he prefers
old French cars than politician’
words And here, he can
als das Übersetzen von
pursue with his passion.
Farina: the initially quiet
little mouse! She had learnt
something about taxation and so
on but didn’t really like it.
So she decided to work
as stewardess and lived for a
long time in London. Today,
she is here with us and still has
to deal with taxes and accounts..
Well, that’s life.
I know what I’m talking about,
I first learned car mechanic…
Neeroosha: an unpronounceable name
meets north german monosyllable.
Exciting! Born and raised in Mauritius
she is blessed with an
extensive knowledge of languages.
English, French, creole, anyway, that’s
her mother tongue, in addition
to this, perfect german and good
italian. No idea how she does that.
Arminda: Young globetrotter from
Bolivia. She has already
seen more of the world
than I ever will. She speaks
spanish and english and
Spanisch und Englisch
her german is getting better.
Anna from Sweden.
I met her in a language course.
Years later, I met her again
at a party and why not a job
interview directly at the
party with some good beer.
She got the job and fits
good in our team.
Steffi (my wife) does
everything, can do everything,
and if for once she really can’t
do something, she can admit
it. Really powerful!
She remembers every
birthday and organizes toilet
paper for everyone here.
Kai: a real north german.
Not very talkative.
Worked for a long time as a
mechanic for speedboats all
over Europe and before,
lived in Canada for 2 years
So, there was already an indirect
connection to the French affinity as
french is the official language in Canada.
Comes from Togo and was
a professional soccer player
Today, he sometimes kicks
the phone off his desk when
it gets too stressful…
the eternal DJ,
working with us between the weekends.
He manages everything regarding
the web shop, catalogue design,
pictures etc. Amazing!
the other nerd.
Pale as a piece of paper,
computer software is his world.
He also occasionally performs as DJ.
There are so many other dedicated people working here: Ruth and Andrea, the two sisters who coordinate the troupe of pickers and packers (Nadine and Kerstin from Germany, the eternal biker Detlev, Mrs Mihlar from Turkey,…) yet also participate and share the work. Real team spirit.
Me as the boss, actually not much of a boss at all. I handed over most of the tasks to the crazy people. Nevertheless, tasks like purchasing, searching for further rarities, urging the reproductions and testing the new spare parts , that are my favorites ones. Moreover, all pictures of our articles on the webshop, have been shot personally by myself.
Elke, responsible for controlling and incoming invoices. Heiko, certified metalworker, who meticulously measures everything in the incoming goods department. Thomas, who ensure that everything is put back in the right place in the incoming department.
Yes, it’s a club of crazy people.
And if you are also at least somehow crazy, have rediscovered the youth car, or own it again or still own it, then you are at the right place. We can help you, keeping your „lovely“ in a good running condition, or may be in a better condition than before. You can also personalize it too as the range of spare parts (seat covers, roof colours) has never been wider than today. Just have a look upon opportunity in our printed catalogue.. yes, we, crazy people still have printed catalogues. Online , on our website is also possible anyway.
You can order your favorite item 24/7 via our webshop, no matter where you are situated. Your parcel will be delivered within few days. By the way, you can as well see immediately if the required item is available in our stock or not. 95% of them are indeed on stock. And for further query, our crazy team is available via phone and can assist you in French, english, swedish, spanish or german. For all other languages, just give it a try.. and who know, may be you can catch someone who can speak that language too.
And now, a very personal statement from me: the world has gone mad. Everything has to be faster and faster.. The „beloved“ car has been kept around in the heated garage for 30 years, but the spare parts have to be delivered within few hours after the order has been placed! Honestly?! I can’t really understand that. It might work sometimes but not always. Our crazy team, by the way all permanent employees are well salaried for a normal standard living, would also like finishing their work on time; you know: 2 minutes for a cigarette, 4 minutes for a drink and then it has to end…
So, if it takes a day longer, you can still rest assured that the parts will be sent to you.. bien sûr!
PS: Regarding, le „savoir-vivre“, did you know that almost every French car has a convertible seat, whereas german cars almost never had them.. Give it a try!
Take care. Yours,
Ansgar Olberding